
Saturday 5 September 2015

[Store Review] Online Store #2 - Discounts and Parcel Tracking

Hello there! Here's an update on my previous Online Store review.

This is a review of my 2nd purchase through, and I'll be sharing with you some of the stuff that I did to get more discounts, and some of the differences I found when tracking my parcel.

Getting Discounts:

During my first purchase, I made the error of not waiting. Being patient can be rewarding. In this case, waiting till the festive season! Signing up for their newsletters is also a good way to get notified of new discounts, campaigns and promo codes.

My second order from

For my second purchase, I did it during the Merdeka month (August 2015), thus getting the top 10 Merdeka products at a discounted price. On top of that, I've subscribed to their newsletter, and was given a Merdeka event promo code that awards you a RM40 discount with purchase of RM200 (promo code shown as ata40 in the picture above).

For that month also, they had a campaign whereby new sign-ups are given RM20 credit to spend. So in total, I've saved RM66 from just discounts, promo codes and free credits!

Although, the new sign-up for free RM20 campaign is over, I saw a new advert saying that if you sign-up now you'd get RM15 credit free! So what are you waiting for? Go sign up! and collect them credits! hahaha

Getting Rebates:

Another way to get discounts is by rebate. It maybe from your credit or debit cards, banks, and even other websites!

For me, I came across milkadeal cashback, and purchased Althea products from there, gaining me an extra 5% rebate which amounted to around RM10 for my second purchase.

Milkadeal Homepage

As you can see, there's not only Althea, but other really popular websites too. So check them out by clicking here.

My Pending Cashback Activity

To show you how it works, this is my cashback activity page. As you can see I have 2 Althea purchases, and one groupon purchase cashback still pending for confirmation. This is the part that might take awhile.

Reason for that is explained in Milkadeal's FAQ page.

Why is my Cashback pending?

When you first receive your cashback in your account, it will be stated as “pending”. It will be confirmed once our partner websites inform us that there will be no further issues with your purchase (no disputes / refunds / cancellations). In the case of holiday, hotel and flight bookings, it will take slightly longer until you have consumed your booking (no amendments / cancellations).

How long will it take? Well it differs from companies to companies because some companies have a 30 days return policy or cancellation whereas some don't. Those that has returns, disputes, refunds, or cancellation policies will take a longer time. That is, after the end of the 30 / 40 days policy.

So, just be patient I guess?


Now on to the tracking updates:

There was some difference when I was tracking my parcel this time around, and I'll show you what it is and why not to worry.

e-cargo tracking

So this was what I've gotten when tracking through e-cargo. It says delivery failure, and of course I panicked, because I was home all day, and skynet did not come. At first I thought there was a problem in my address or information. So I contacted Althea, and Daniel, again, very efficiently, gave me a skynet tracking number to track my parcel locally.

Skynet Tracking

So as you can see, on the 3rd of September, where e-cargo shows 'delivery failure'. In SkyNet, it shows departed to HUB, meaning it's on its way from the airport to your local SkyNet hub for processing. It was not sent for delivery to your house. Thus, there was no delivery failure. It just wasn't sent.

I got my parcel on the 4th of September eventho SkyNet tracking shows 'delivered' on the 5th. But it's all good.

So don't worry if you get 'delivery failure' when you track your parcel on e-cargo, sometimes, there's just a little misunderstanding there.

Thanks for reading!

See ya soon!

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